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Beyond Connections: Building Capacity for Prevention Through Expanded Networks and Partnerships

Sep 5, 2025
11:30 am 12:30 pm
All, Virtual Trainings

Have you ever thought about getting involved with a professional organization and wondered if it’s just going to be one more thing on your already-too-long To Do list? In this session, we’ll explore some of the practical benefits of professional associations and networking with like-minded peers. Expanding who you know, taking advantage of local opportunities, and learning about available resources can help you tackle other items on your To Do list. Networking with people who “get you” provides support in various ways, while reinforcing your sense of purpose.  And if you’re looking to boost or refine some of your skills for your job or for your life – you will likely find some ready-made opportunities. This is multi-tasking at its best!

This webinar is provided at no cost. PF! will be applying for Prevention CEUs and CHES hours. The prevention education domain for this session is: P6- Professional Growth & Responsibility

Training Objectives

  1. List at least 3 public health resources and tools available through “prevention adjacent” networks that can support the work of Ohio’s Prevention Professionals.
  2. Explain how volunteer opportunities in professional organizations can develop formal and informal effective leadership skills.
  3. Recognize opportunities available through professional organizations to improve both job and personal life.

Ashley Miller BS, CHES, Ohio SOPHE

Ashely has been serving on the Ohio SOPHE board for 3 years, learning as she goes and discovering what it truly means to serve in a professional organization. What better way to learn than by jumping in feet first! Ashely has a bachelor’s in public health from Ohio University and is a Certified Health Education Specialist. She is employed at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in the Community Wellness and School Health department, where she teaches various health education classes to students in the Columbus region. These topics include puberty, healthy relationships, digital responsibility, and her favorite—comprehensive sexual and reproductive health. Ashley also volunteers her time as a mentor to Columbus City Year AmeriCorps Members. When she isn’t doing that, she’s reading from her never-ending TBR list.

Kathy Luhn is a long-time member of Ohio SOPHE who spent the bulk of her career in local public health in Allen County, including 10 years as Health Commissioner. As Ohio SOPHE’s contracted Workforce Development Grant Program Manager, she oversees initiatives to support membership retention and leadership development. She is a Master Certified Health Education Specialist, a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and Certified Humor Professional (yes, it’s a thing!). Kathy earned a Bachelor of Science in Medical Dietetics from The Ohio State University and a Master of Science in Health Promotion from Purdue University and continues to learn through the formal and informal jobs she takes on and the people she meets – including her husband and two grown sons. To help get through the ups and downs in life, Kathy relies on her faith, her sense of humor, and dark chocolate.