It's Not Just for Kids: Engaging Older Adults in Behavioral Health Prevention and Promotion
Prevention activities have traditionally focused on schools and youth ignoring the fact that older adults also benefit from behavioral health promotion and prevention programs. This webinar will engage participants in better understanding what issues are impacting our older adult population in behavioral health. Providing outreach and programs is easier than you think. Programs and evidence-based curricula exist and should be used to engage older adults in prevention and behavioral health promotion. Exploring potential partners and locations where outreach is most needed will also be discussed.
This webinar was recorded January 25, 2025. Recording available here.
Bringing Prevention To Spanish Speakers
Presenter: Connor Korte, OCPSA
This training will go over the cultural and practical ways in which Prevention Professionals should approach their outreach to the Hispanic community for best results. We will discuss barriers and best practices for the community.
Training Objectives:
- Distinguish between different Latino Populations.
- Outline Best Practices when working with the Hispanic Community.
- Assess different Barriers that confront the Hispanic community.
This webinar is provided at no cost. PF! will be applying for Prevention CEUs and CHES hours. The prevention education domain for this session is: CC- Cultural Competency/ Humility.
Presenter Bio:
Connor Korte, OCPSA is a prevention specialist in the Cincinnati region specializing in Prevention in the Hispanic Community. Beginning his career, Connor worked with citizens involved with the justice system. There he saw the need for preventative work as substance use had brought so much hardship to the clients he was working with. Through his work with PreventionFIRST! he has brought education on substance use and mental health to the Hispanic Communities around the region. Connor has also developed anti-substance use campaigns for Princeton City Schools including the development of a student based educational series, Mental Health Education for ESL students, and a Ted Talk through TEDX Princeton city schools. Through logic modeling, Connor and his team have begun to expand their goals for prevention to address the lack of providers to the community through cultural education as well as emphasizing language education in the field of prevention, public health, and social work.
Importance of Proper Medication Disposal
Richard Stuck, MS, Source Water Protection Manager, Cincinnati Waterworks
Arnetta Longmire MBA, OPSA, Executive Director, Winner Mindset
Proper disposal of medications not only protects the environment but also ensures the safety of others and prevents accidental ingestion.
Improper disposal of pharmaceutical drugs can have serious consequences for the environment, particularly our water systems. This workshop will delve into the issue of drug pollution and water quality, how it happens and its impact, and proper at-home drug disposal.
Training Objectives:
- Participants will learn about the importance of proper medication disposal to prevent harmful effects to themselves, others and the environment.
- Participants understand how to address the environmental impact of pharmaceuticals when disposed of incorrectly. Also, how to advocate for responsible disposal practices to safeguard water sources and ecosystems.
- Participants will be encouraged to learn how to be a good example of modeling these safe medication practices by using and sharing the resources of Deterra Bags Drug Medical Disposal.
This webinar is provided at no cost. PF! will be applying for Prevention CEUs and CHES hours. The prevention education domain for this session is: P5- Public Policy & Environmental Change.
Understanding Youth Technology/Social Media Addiction
Clinical Social Worker/Therapist, Eiden Integrative Counseling
- Understand and apply the current diagnostics available for assessment of compulsive screen and internet use.
- Explore the psychological and neurological underpinning of screen compulsivity to inform clinical practice strategies.
- Apply conceptual framework of screen addiction treatment along with specific interventions.
This webinar is provided at no cost. PF! will be applying for Prevention CEUs and CHES hours. The prevention education domain for this session is: P3- Communications.
Utilizing Colleges More For Your Coalition
Rebecca Baudry Young, M.Ed.
Director of the Office of Student Wellness, Miami University
Understanding the landscape of higher education and navigating its systems can be useful tools in developing a partnership with a university or college. For coalitions that reside in a college town, this relationship may come more naturally. However any coalition can take advantage of university resources often by simply inviting them to the table.
Training Objectives:
- Attendees will understand incentives for faculty to partner with communities.
- Attendees will be able to articulate how coalitions and community organizations benefit higher education.
- Attendees will be able to differentiate between academic and student service divisions within institutions of higher education.
- Attendees will be able to identify at least one fiscal advantage to partnering with a university.
This webinar is provided at no cost. PF! will be applying for Prevention CEUs and CHES hours. The prevention education domain for this session is: P4- Community Organization.
Cool Pose: The Dilemma of Black Manhood Continues and the Negative Impact on Mental Well-Being
Dr. Parris Carter, Ed.D.
Dean of the Graduate College, Wiley University
The term Cool Pose are masks that black men wear to hide internal insecurities (Majors & Billson, 1992). Furthermore, the historical pressures from society have exaggerated the need to wear these masks and have added to the weight many black men carry each day. This session will explore the introduction of the Cool Pose ideology, and how it continues to surface today. Understanding this context in mental health will afford the creation of successful strategies for working with this population.
Training Objectives:
- Examine the social, cultural, and emotional factors that contribute to Cool Posing, and its effect on mental well-being.
- Explore the various masks that define the black male existence.
- Identify effective strategies for collaborating with black men in their mental health.
- Identify inclusive approaches to proactive work.
- To increase understanding of this concept, so that current strategies can be enhanced.
This webinar is provided at no cost. PF! will be applying for Prevention CEUs and CHES hours.
Developing a MJ Moratorium
Epidemiological Updates from the Ohio Substance Abuse Monitoring (OSAM) Network
Northern Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy: Creating Chances, Creating Change
Presentation Resources:
NKY Office of Drug Control Policy: Creating Chances, Creating Change
Landscape of Ohio's Sports Betting
Presentation Resources:
Landscape of Ohio's Sports Betting Presentation
Board Development & Retaining Coalition Membership
Presentation Resources:
Board Development & Retaining Coalition Membership Presentation
10 Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards
Annual Conflict of Interest Policy Statement
Board Volunteer Job Description
Board's Role in Advocacy
Recruitment Toolkit
Skills & Diversity Matrix
Tips for Board Fundraising