
New this year - annual donor packages!

This year you can support PreventionFIRST! by becoming an annual donor. Annual donors will be recognized at our spring awards luncheon and throughout the year. Our annual event is the largest and most anticipated gathering of local prevention partners, but our work in communities happens year-round.

Your 2025 donation — supporting substance use/misuse prevention and the importance of reducing the risk of behavioral health disorders — will be recognized and celebrated for 365 days! 

All Donor & Sponsorship Opportunities

Support PreventionFIRST! and: 

  • Help address the impact of substance use on youth, families, and communities
  • Invest in work that is impacting local communities
  • Build youth resiliency and foster mental wellness
  • Recognize the importance & value of prevention 

Advertise in our Awards Luncheon & Fundraiser program