Center for Prevention Action
Youth Leadership

Youth Leadership Institute
Youth Leadership Institute provides select students the opportunity to learn leadership skills (public speaking, advocacy, and teambuilding) and share perceptions on youth alcohol and substance misuse. Participating students also help plan and facilitate PreventionFIRST!’s Annual Red Ribbon Week Youth Summit.
This free one-day event is held during the summer. Participants can obtain community service hours.

Red Ribbon Week Youth Summit
This free, one day event brings together high school students from across the region to share their perceptions on issues related to youth alcohol and other substance use. Teens build leadership skills, learn school/community- focused prevention strategies, and interact with peers through dynamic activities and engaging speakers.

Coaches Kids and Chemicals
The Coaches, Kids and Chemicals one day event engages and supports coaches and athletes in their role of being healthy and well, along with addressing substance use/abuse issues that student athletes face. This event is for high school 9th, 10th, and 11th graders as well as their coaches, athletic trainers, athletic directors, parents and booster members.
Highlights of the day include:
- Workshops to provide coaches with tips/resources in looking at athletic policy and helping with preventing substance use among young athletes.
- Workshops to provide athletes with tips/resources in taking care of themselves as well as educating them on the risks of substance use.
Youth Mini Grants
The youth grant administered by PreventionFIRST! with funding from the Hamilton County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board and Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services provides an opportunity for youth-led programs to plan and implement a project around alcohol, tobacco and other drug prevention in their schools and communities. These projects are intended to not only benefit the youth involved by providing leadership development opportunities but also to enrich the communities and schools that are impacted by them.
Youth-Led Initiatives
pHARMING Effects Peer-to-Peer Curriculum
The pHARMING Effects presentation addresses the misuse/abuse of prescription drugs and how it is affecting youth today. This peer-to-peer presentation was developed by Youth to Youth teens and is designed to be delivered by trained drug-free high school teens along with an adult facilitator.
All About That Vape Peer-to-Peer Curriculum
Adapted from the Stanford Medicine Tobacco Prevention Toolkit and the Catch My Breath Prevention Program, All About That Vape is a 45-60 minute peer-to-peer education presentation surrounding electronic vapor product and e-cigarette use among youth. PreventionFIRST!’s youth empowerment team engages student leaders to implement this curriculum in grades 7-12. In addition to providing a fun opportunity to gain experience in public speaking and substance use prevention, All About That Vape is an effective, activity-based training that covers a range of topics:
1. Impact of nicotine addiction on physical, emotional, & social health
2. Misinformation & marketing tactics used by vape companies
3. Refusal & exit strategies related to peer pressure to use substances
4. Resources for quitting & supporting others in quitting nicotine