
PF! and Two Member Coalitions Awarded STOP ACT Grant

April 2, 2020

PreventionFIRST! along with two of our member coalitions, Campbell County Drug Free Alliance and the Fairfield Prevention Coalition have all been awarded the SAMHSA STOP (Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking) ACT grant. Each organization will receive $50,000 a year for 4 years to prevent and reduce alcohol use among youth and young adults ages 12-20 in their respective communities. The activities that are implemented in the project will aim to address community norms regarding alcohol use by youth, reduce opportunities for underage drinking by limiting youth access to alcohol, create changes in underage drinking enforcement efforts, address penalties for underage use, and/or reduce the prevalence of negative consequences associated with underage drinking (e.g., motor vehicle crashes, sexual assaults). Grant applicants will utilize the Strategic Prevention Framework planning process and implement evidence-based programs and practices in a culturally appropriate manner to bring about community level change. In addition, applicants will build on strategic plans that were developed under a Drug Free Communities (DFC) grant. Congratulations to the grant recipients!