
Montgomery Youth to Youth - 2021 Youth Honorable Mention

April 29, 2021

Montgomery County Youth to Youth
Youth to Youth International – Dayton, OH 

Montgomery County Youth to Youth was founded in 2018, and in this short time, its members have strategically planned and implemented numerous alternative events for Montgomery County youth. These events provide safe, fun, and engaging activities for youth to enjoy in a substance free environment.

Montgomery County Youth to Youth has been positively impacting their community in many ways. They created a youth centered workshop — Sense of Self teaches youth how to identify their emotional stressor and equips them with self-care and coping skills.

These dedicated youth also advocated to expand Ohio House Bill 543. They met with their local state representatives and senators advising that a provision to require all Montgomery County teachers and staff take the Youth Mental Health First Aid training be included in the legislation.

Montgomery County Youth to Youth members truly love helping their peers and making a difference in their community. They feel empowered when creating activities to help address youth issues such as anxiety, depression, suicide, and substance use. They believe in getting ahead of problems — identifying solutions and engaging their peers to help create a healthy, thriving Montgomery County.