2020 Hutzel Partner Award: Jeff Meyer

Rachel Hutzel Prevention Partner Award – This award is presented to an individual from the tri-state region who has achieved notable progress in the development of community capacity, successfully implemented an innovative prevention strategy that contributes to community change, and demonstrated positive prevention outcomes.
Jeff Meyer and his wife Val started working together with children and youth in 1990. Most of those years as youth ministers in the communities in which they lived. In 2017, Jeff began to work with a newly formed organization called Hope for Highland County. Hope for Highland County holds community events to bring hope and healing to those struggling and recovering from addiction disorders. These events provide Jeff with the opportunity to work with children and youth using fun games to teach prevention —including raising awareness about prescription drug misuse.
In late 2017, Jeff began working with the Highland County Prevention Committee. He currently serves as chairperson. The Prevention Committee was awarded a grant from the Ohio SPF Rx Project. They completed a community logic model — using data from the PF! Student Drug Use Survey and connecting with community stakeholders. The Prevention Community set two goals: reducing the misuse of prescription drugs and increasing awareness on proper medication disposal.
Jeff lives in Hillsboro Ohio, right in the heart of Highland County. He is a branch manager at a community bank. While his career may not be in prevention…his heart is. Jeff’s strong relationships with the faith community, medical community, local pharmacies, and law enforcement help bring connections and resources together to provide safe disposal of prescription drugs. He is very excited about the new media campaign the Prevention Committee is embarking upon. The campaign includes billboard and local movie theater advertisements